Monthly Google Scholar Searches

Fellow Library Scientists,

Can you help me find a way to do monthly Google Scholar Searches for a set of keyword phrases? Ideally, a snapshot or other printout would be made of the Scholar results, and these printouts would be emailed to me. I'm aware of Google Scholar Alerts, but these only return items that are newly added to Google's database. I would like my search to return the top 10 results for each search term, including existing results. It would be amazing if this could be done through Zotero, because ILZ (I Love Zotero), but if there was another web utility or scripting option (e.g. Ruby + server, or BASH), that'd be cool too. Unfortunately, it would take me weeks to figure out how to do this, and I'm wondering if someone has already thought out a solution, or can guide me on how to get started.

Thanks so much,
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