Adding Knowledge Base articles

Last week I added a new Knowledge Base article:

But the article fails to turn up in keyword searches, and it has not been added to the main index for Knowledge Base articles:

Is there something extra users must do to integrate a new KB article into the indexes of the site's documentation?
  • I added the kb tag for you.
  • you can just look what noksagt did - i.e. add

    to the bottom of the page to add the tag
  • Thanks. I've just introduced that tip in the documentation. Although that settles the kb index issue, what about the search engine? I've just searched for a number of keywords that appear in the article, but it doesn't show up. (And what's up with the search engine changing the number of total results from one page to the next?)
  • The search is powered by google, so it should update when google finds it on its next crawl. What search term is showing different numbers of results per page?
  • Thanks for the explanation. When I search for "zotz" the first page indicates 23 hits; the second, 14 (and the promised third page disappears). Analogous results can be had with many other keywords.
  • Ah, now I see what you're talking about. I believe that is an idiosyncrasy of google's search api which takes a guess at the number of results to begin with and only refines it when you actually go try to get them. I'm not sure why there is such a drastic change though which doesn't seem right. If this actually causes problems (or we discover that it is actually not finding important results for some reason) I can look into this at some point down the line.
  • if you do a google search for zotz and go to the second page you'll see the same thing.
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