Very Slow adding

I do not know if the problem lies in Firefox or zotero but when I click on the document icon at the top of a pubmed webpage (in the address bar) Firefox jams for about 30 or 60 seconds while it adds the item to zotero.

Has anybody else encountered this. It never happened until about a week ago. Before then it was always very fast.
  • It's true that when Zotero is 'working' Firefox is generally unresponsive, and some operations can take some time, particularly with large collections, but 60 seconds is extreme. Perhaps post a little more datail: Does it do this with every site (Library of congress,, etc)? If not it could be a network issue. Does take that long consistantly, at any time of the day? How long does it take exactly? How fast is your system and your network, and have you increased the size of your collection (by a lot) lately? Perhaps someone will have any idea if what you are experiencing is normal.
  • For what it's worth I experienced the same agonizingly slow add times today, adding article metadata from EBSCOHOST. (On a relatively low spec machine 900 MHz / 384M Ram, with a database of 1150 items). It is often sluggish, but this really did approach a minute per record (I didn't time it.) It may well be that EBSCO is not very responsive this time of day. I don't know.
  • If you can reproduce this, could you start Firefox via the command line and see if you can tell from the Zotero debug output where the delay is?

    Also, does this happen while just working in your library (adding tags, creating new items, editing metadata, etc.) or just saving items from the web?
  • I followed the instructions but do not know where to find the debug output.
    I tried doing the same thing from my home computer tonight. It was still slow but not in the 30 to 60 second range. It was holding for about 15 seconds. But I remember it being almost instantaneous, as in about 1 or 2 seconds. Have I remembered incorrectly?

    I manually added tags to some records and it was saved within a second.

    I tried adding from the New York times and it was much quicker than from Pubmed. I also found Library of Congress to be faster than Pubmed. Pubmed takes a long time, any time of day. My system and network, particularly at work is fast. (I am not there now so cannot quote specs but for instance my desktop as 2GB of RAM). My collection has about 300 items - but even at home where I only had about 10 items, it took a long time to import a pubmed reference.
  • I'll also try to get debug output the next time I have a chance
  • edited October 12, 2007
    I followed the instructions but do not know where to find the debug output.
    The debug output will show up in either the Terminal or a separate console window (not to be confused with the Error Console) if you followed the instructions correctly. Be sure you've enabled the Zotero debug pref in about:config.

    The debug output won't help us, but you may be able to see the points at which it stalls.
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