Zotero / OO integeration suddenly stopped working

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, OpenOffice 3.2, Zotero 2.0.3, Firefox 3.6.6, and version 3.0a8 of the integration extensions for Firefox. It was all working fine but now suddenly, for no reason I can think of, it's not. When I try to edit or add a citation to any document in OpenOffice, I get an error that pops up: "Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed and try again." Any suggestions?
  • might be Java related?


    Try starting with the last step, i.e.
    sudo update-alternatives --config mozilla-javaplugin.so
    and tell us what exactly you see
  • Wow, thanks for the fast help, the problem seems to be solved! Here is what that command gave me:

    "There are 2 choices for the alternative mozilla-javaplugin.so (providing /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin.so).

    Selection Path Priority Status
    * 0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/IcedTeaPlugin.so 1061 auto mode
    1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/IcedTeaPlugin.so 1061 manual mode
    2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so 63 manual mode

    Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:"

    In a whim I entered "2" and tried it out, because I heard the IcedTea thing wasn't so reliable. I don't remember installing IcedTea or changing any settings recently, so I don't know how this happened in the first place, but at least Zotero/OpenOffice seem to be working again!
  • yes, as that section in the documentation says, Zotero requires the sun-java to work. Glad that was it.
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