An error occured communicating with Zotero

Hi there,
I know this has been raised a couple of times before
I've tried reinstalling the extension but the error keeps occurring. Do any of the devs know what might be the cause - some dodgy reference in my doc, for instance and whether or not its been fixed.
Thanks, Jon.
  • OK, additional weirdness:
    I tried opening a new blank document to see if I could add a new citation and got this error:
    BASIC runtime error.
    An exception occred
    Message: .

    Function fnRangeComp(m1, m2) as boolean
    'Needed for the sort routine in OOo to get marks in correct order.
    Dim oR1, oR2, nLT1 as Integer, nLT2 as Integer

    oR1 = fnMarkRange(m1)
    oR2 = fnMarkRange(m2)
    nLT1 = fnLocationType(oR1)
    nLT2 = fnLocationType(oR2)
    if nLT1 > nLT2 then
    fnRangeComp = true
    elseif nLT1 < nLT2 then
    fnRangeComp = false
    elseif nLT1 = ZOTERO_MAIN then
    ** fnRangeComp = thisComponent.Text.compareRegionStarts(oR1, oR2) > 0 **
    nLT1 = oR1.Text.ReferenceId
    nLT2 = oR2.Text.ReferenceId
    fnRangeComp = nLT1 < nLT2
    end If
    End Function

    I put stars next to the line where it crashed. Now suddenly I can refresh my original doc and add new entries.
    Hope that helps chasing down this problem.
  • I think it must be a problem with the document, as when I have another newly created document open at the same time, I can insert citations, create a bibliography and refresh the new one, but the old one keeps giving me the communication problem.
  • edited October 7, 2007
    OpenOffice is simply locking up when I attempt to use one of the Zotero functions. I haven't been patient enough to determine whether it eventually throws an error (I'm in the middle of assignments) but this is a major problem which has only started happening recently.

    Ununtu linux 7.04
    OpenOffice Writer 2.2.0
    Zotero rc3
    Ooo plugon 1.0a4
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