Error report: 284917010

I just follow the instruction for error report and post this topic.

the report ID is :284917010
  • you need to describe what error you experienced. What you did to trigger the error. What steps you have taken to troubleshoot the error. What system (Firefox, OS, Zotero) you're on.
  • @adamsmith:
    Thanks for your attention.

    I'm glad to provide some extra information.

    when I opened the firefox 3.6.6 in my laptop (with windows XP installed), and click to enter the zotero interface, zotero noticed me it is crupted and give me some instruction to create an error report. The zotero I use is version 2.0.3.

    After open the firefox, I did nothing except to check my zotero items. And I noticed the update is running just before the zotero crashed. May be it is a sync error. Then I restart my firefox and click to sync zotero mannully, it runs properly.

    That's all the information I have found. May it be helpful!

    BTW: zotero can be used currently without error.
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