How to deal with "My Library" items (root folder)


I'm using Zotero for my Doctorate, and I'm trying to know (without success...) what is displayed behind "My Library". In effect, I've got all my collection, but when I clic on "My Library" I can see a lot of items (articles, and so).

When I press "control" on a selected item, sometimes, I can see in which collection it is. But, other times, there no collection. here is the bad point... How can I find all the "no collection" items (those which are, I thought in "My Library", which seem to be some kind of root folder), put them in, for example, a "To Sort" Collection, waiting for me to sort them out in the right collection.

I know that it is not yet possible to delete he duplicated items. So, If what i've explained is clear (I'm French, so, please, excuse my poor english) it can really help to reduce drastically those duplicated items...
  • My Library contains all items you have. Some of them may _also_ be in a collection.
    (think of collections as "playlists" if you like that analogy - all of your "songs" are in the main library and you can have one "song" in several "playlists".

    To reduce duplicates, see Trevors last entry on the blog:

    To find all "unfiled" items, there is an open ticket and a workaround here:
This discussion has been closed.