Problems with multiple Wikipedia citations in document

I'm citing 6 different Wikipedia sources in my current dissertation chapter, five from 2010 and one from 2009. The 2009 is fine, but the 2010 sources are split into Wikipedia Contributors 2010a and b, and then another set of Wikipedia Contributors 2010a to 2010c. They appear like this in the bibilography:

Wikipedia Contributors, 2010a. Cyberdelic. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: [Accessed February 1, 2010].

Wikipedia Contributors, 2010b. Life hack. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: [Accessed February 2, 2010].

Wikipedia Contributors, 2009. List of places with"Silicon" names. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: [Accessed January 28, 2010].

Wikipedia Contributors, 2010a. MUD. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: [Accessed January 30, 2010].

Wikipedia Contributors, 2010b. Wikipedia. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: [Accessed July 12, 2010].

Wikipedia Contributors, 2010c. XMLHttpRequest. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: [Accessed January 31, 2010].

I checked that all the authors are the same Wikipedia Contributors, capitalization is the same, no spelling difference. Obviously, the 2009 citation should come first, then the 2010 citations should appear as 2010a through 2010e.

Can anyone help me figure this out? It's going to be a big pain to fix manually.
  • I've seen a similar odd case once before - that was fixed by deleting the first two citations from the Zotero database (i.e. Cyberdelic and Life Hack in this case) and then simply replacing them by new, equivalent ones. Try that.
    I have no idea what causes this, though, nor, I think, does anyone else.
  • I managed to fix this by switching from Harvard --> Chicago (which is what I should have been using anyway; no idea how that got chosen) which automagically fixed all the Wikipedia references! I suppose it could be an error with the Harvard system or just a glitch.

    Adam, thanks for your feedback.
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