references with DOI appear automatically as "web" but should remain "print" in MLA style

I am using MLA and would like to have journal papers that are printed but also have a DOI appear as "print" in the bibliography and not as "Web" as they are automatically as long as the DOI field is not empty. Any idea how to change this?
  • find this in your style
    <if variable="URL DOI" match="any">
    <text variable="archive" prefix=" " suffix=". "/>
    <text value="Web" prefix=" "/>
    <text prefix=". " suffix="." macro="access"/>

    and just delete DOI.
    see here for simple edits:

    I'm still unsure how to best code this in the public style - I'm thinking a DOI probably indicate the the person got the paper online, so it should be "web" - but I'm open to be convinced to limit this to URLs.
  • thanks for this very fast answer - works perfectly.
    While I agree with in the case of an URL, most articles now have DOI and automatically classifying all of them as web does not make sense to me.
    thanks again for the fast feedback! excellent tool btw! love the full compatibility with bibtex!
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