Style error : Journal of animal ecology

hi everyone,

there is an error, easy to fix, in the JAE style :
volume number should not be bold in the citation of papers.

See the guidelines of the journal :

I know how to fix it but don't know how to update it for everyone.
Is there someone that can do it ?

  • is that true for all journals of the British Ecological Society?
  • I checked and it is not true for the other journals
    and in fact I am not sure for JAE as well, because I checked the references in the latest issue of the journal and the volume number is in bold !
    So the instructions for authors on the webpage of the journal are different from the articles in the journal !

    So I think I posted to quickly on the forum, I don't think it is useful to change the style since it is in agreement with the published articles of the journal.
  • thanks for checking - yes, online instructions are frequently wrong - I always look at sample articles to confirm and probably did that here, too. I agree, let's leave it as is to conform to the published style.
  • I think I have found several other errors in the style for the Journal of Animal Ecology. I suspect they are pretty easy fixes, but unfortunately I lack the CSL coding skills make the fixes. There are possible workarounds for each, but the workarounds probably require making changes anytime a different journals formatting style is desired.

    For books (and book chapters):
    (1) the book edition doesn’t seem show up at all (it should say “2nd edn.”), and (2) the title should be in title case (except for trivial words – same as journal titles) rather than sentence case. Of course, I can change the case in the Zotero record, but that could be problematic for other journals that want sentence case for the title. I also could add “2nd edn.” to the title, but this might not be the required terminology for other journals (and, as part of the title, it would be italicized).

    For theses and dissertations:
    This seems completely generic at the moment – neither “Thesis” nor “Dissertation” shows up in the citation, nor does the University name or the place. Also, the title is not italicized. I can make the dissertation appear correctly (with appropriate italics, etc.) by entering as a book and entering “PhD thesis” as the publisher name. This is unsatisfactory, however, because it locks in the terminology, and other journals want something like “Thesis” for a master’s thesis and “Dissertation” for a PhD dissertation.Actually, in looking at recent JAE papers, I see “PhD Thesis” and “PhD thesis” (this, with a lowercase “t”, is what the JAE guidelines state), but I also see “PhD Dissertation” with either upper or lower case “d”. So it is a bit unclear which is required.

    For journals with a volume supplement:
    Currently the word “Supplement” is spelled out in full and is bold. It should be “(Suppl.)”, not bold. I can physically edit the “46 Supplement” to “46 (Suppl.)”, but (1) it again locks in this syntax, perhaps inappropriately, for all journals, and (2) “(Suppl.)” still is bold.

    Thanks to anyone who can fix up the style!
  • I don't think I can do anything about the supplement thing - unless that's a very frequent issue, in which case I'll think about possible solutions.

    I'll take some time but eventually get to the other issues - same question, though - does this apply to all BES journals?
  • I think it does apply to all BES journals. The author guidelines on the BES website have subtle differences, but when you look at the actual published journals, they look the same.
  • OK - it's on my list but will take some time - thanks for reporting.
  • edited March 29, 2011
    a significantly updated style is now up at the github repository
    (download using right-click ---> save link as... install by dragging to any open FF window)

    Added thesis (put PhD Thesis or whatever you want in the type field in Zotero)
    Added edition
    Title cased titles
    Fixed notation for editors
    Put et-al in text in parentheses

    please report any remaining issues.

    Edit: The style will show up as "British Ecological Society"
  • Thanks for doing that. Looking at the file helped me figure out how to change a few thinks like title case.

    I did find one other behavior that I don't know how to fix. The first citation of a paper with three authors, all three are listed, e.g., (Smith, Smith, & Smith 2010), but in subsequent uses only the first author name is used, e.g., (Smith et al. 2010). This works well, except when I cite 2 papers from the same authors from the same year so that an "a" and "b" needs to be appended to the year, e.g., Smith, Smith, & Smith 2010a). In this case subsequent uses still list all three authors, which is incorrect. Is that something that can be fixed?

  • ok, that should be fixed.
  • Hello everyone,
    I have another problem with the Journal of Animal Ecology Style and hope that somebody is able to fix this:

    It is required that “References in the text to work by up to three authors should be in full, e.g. (Johnson, Myers & James 2006). If there are more than three authors, they should always be abbreviated thus: (Nilsen et al. 2009).”

    However, if I use the Journal of Animal Ecology Style (or the British Ecological Society Style) only the first time all authors are given (like this: Holzschuh, Steffan-Dewenter, & Tscharntke 2010), the following times only the first author is given (like this: Holzschuh et al. 2010), which is not desirable. Moreover, there is always a comma before the &-sign, which does not belong there as well. I would be very thankful, if anybody could help me!
  • I just changed the style and it should work in the requested way now.
  • (I'll put this up asap)
  • edited February 10, 2013
    The style fix is now up. It will show up on the repository within 30mins. It may take up to 24hs for the preview to work.
    If you submit corrections or additions to the style in the future, please always work with the most recent copy from the style repository, as we frequently adjust the formatting of styles slightly.

    Thank you for contributing!
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