sort report does not work with firstCreator value


I want to sort a report of a collection by author name. In the forums and the wiki I found as supported solution to extend the resulting report URL with "?sort=firstCreator" (shurely without the "")
But this does not work for me! It works with "?sort=title" or "?sort=date" fine.The firstCreator sorting is different from the title sorting but far from an alphabetical order. Also the /d option does not change anything on the sorting order combined with firstCreator.
I am using the so far newest zotero 2.0.3. (at least the extentionmanager shows no update avialble) with firefox 3.6.4 (yes I know there is a newer one but I can't administer by myself the computer for security policy at work) on MS Windows XP platform.

Anyone has an idea how to solve the problem?

  • Ticket created. Thanks.
  • Hello,

    anything new about a solution to the problem? Am I the only one with the problem? The Ticket shows only that nothing happend since, or am I misinterpreting this? I updated zotero to 2.1.1 and still can't sort a report by author name. Bibliographies are well sorted, reports still does not sort well with the sort=firstCreator option. And the alphabetic order of authors is at least for me the most important sorting. Does anyone have a workaround for the problem?

    thanks for all the new features in zotero 2.1
  • I found out a workaround for the problem described above and would like to share it with all who suffer the same problem:

    The problem with sorting by author happend when sorting a report that was created from an entire collection (in the left window with the collection tree). Now I tried to mark all items in the collection (in the middle pane) and than create a report (with the context-menu while all items are marked). The resulting report is still unsorted. But when you add the "?sort=firstCreator " tag at the end of the (very long) url in the browser it works and the list get sorted alfabetically by author.

    Well that helps for the time beeing until the bug is fixed.

    All the best
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