Aleph not working

can anyone please try and add something from this link:
I get an error when trying to save. But I saved an item from Amazon.

  • confirmed - both single and multiple items fail with
    [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: newItem.title is undefined" {file: "file:///home/sebastian/.mozilla/firefox/wkxw8okh.default/zotero/translators/Library%20Catalog%20(Aleph).js" line: 0}]

    Error Report ID: 1682698459
    Sample URL Single item:

    Sample URL multiple items:
  • thank you.
    there are many reports with aleph problems in the forum. some are related to the österreichischer bibliothekenverbund.
    what can we do?
  • Yes, the Aleph translator needs work. I'll try to get to it-- but I won't be doing translator development for at least a few more days.
  • Hi,
    when I try to do it with 2.0.9 I don't get an error anymore, but I get an entry that doesn't make sense, it doesn't have any meaningful data in it...
  • Tried it now with 2.1. Now there is the error message again. Could anybody fix this, please?
  • It is because the concerned website does not support MARC tags output, which the Aleph translator of Zotero relies on.
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