Sync and WebDAV


I am trying to sync my library to a webdav server. I am entering the right credentials (have checked it many many times + it works in the browser and finder) but when I enter the credentials in zotero preferences I instantly get this message:
"The WebDAV server did not accept the username and password you entered. Please check your file sync settings or contact your server administrator."

As I said, username and password are correct. Also, it appears as if zotero is not really checking since the message appears in the very moment I hit the "Verfiy Server" button. Any ideas?
  • If it still happens after restarting Firefox, provide a Debug ID for the Verify Server.
  • The debug ID is D1841844729
  • So can anyone tell me anything about the issue?
  • Your WebDAV server is rejecting your username and password—we can't really tell you more than that, but you can look at the debug output and see the URL it's trying and the response from the WebDAV server.

    Feel free to try in a different WebDAV client, but there's no reason you shouldn't get the same response.
  • Hi,

    I solved the issue and it seems to me that there is a zotero or firefox problem involved. What I did: I entered the URL from the logfile into the firefox address bar and connected to the server. After that I hit the "Verify Server" button in zotero and it worked. The moment I close the connection in firefox it stops working again.
  • Is it possible that the issue is related to the keychain services integration add-on I am using for firefox?
  • It's possible. Easy enough to test—just disable it.
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