Highlight, Annotate Reports

Zotero's capacity to add highlighting or annotations to webpages saved as Snapshots is great. It would be helpful if these same tools (i.e. the same tool bar) were available when you generate a Report.

I don't know if an example is necessary but here's one just in case. I do a search of my notes and find 20-odd records that correspond to my search terms. I then right-click on the found records and generate a report, which appears in the main Firefox window. I can print and save this report, but I would like to be able just to highlight and annotate it on screen.

  • A report is also an HTML page. Just take a snapshot of it, then view the snapshot. Presto, annotation tools.
  • Why would you annotate a report (as opposed to, say, using notes)?
  • edited September 21, 2007
    Notes may not be as effective as highlighting to draw attention to a particular point.

    I suppose that, for some workflows, it might be nice to be able to generate multiple reports with different notes. Annotations could be a reasonably easy way to do this (without having to add any contextual semantics to notes, etc.).
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