What is enough to automatic download embedded PDFs?

Hi every body~
I want to utilize zotero to download the PDF files from some journal websites automaticlly such as ieee and OSA, where their embedded pdfs can not be downloaded directly unless they are opened in firefox (broswer) firstly and then be saved by pressing the "save as" button on toolbar. Sorry i am a newer of zotero, i want to know it can be fixed by writting a special translator ? or i need to do more any other things?
Thanks a lot!

  • could you give some sample URLs?
    For some databases this will likely never work - those are meta databases like pubmed where the PDFs aren't all in the place.
    Another set of databases are currently broken for Zotero in that regard - Cambridge University Press is an example - I don't know if that's possible, their pdf display/download is a mess.

    I don't know about IEEE and osa, though
  • Hi adamsmith, thank you four answer. two sample URLS are listed:
    However, you need a ID to access the first one. For the second one, it is free.
  • any news, lmh?

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