translator for espacenet - the patent website


It would be nice to be able to get patent records from the European Patent Office Website - this is quite a nice webpage that gives free access to world, us and european patents - in most cases full text access...

the web page is

  • Looks like somebody is trying to make one for Espacenet. See:

    It doesn't seem to work. I put the code in Scaffold and it came up with the following:

    13:45:33 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal in parsing code for Espacenet
    13:45:33 Translation using Espacenet failed:
    message => unterminated string literal
    fileName => chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/translate.js
    lineNumber => 521
    stack => @:0

    name => SyntaxError
    url =>
    extensions.zotero.cacheTranslatorData => true
    extensions.zotero.downloadAssociatedFiles => false
  • I just took a look at that this morning. It should be available shortly
  • the reason you get an "unterminating string literal" error is that when you're pasting the code into scaffold, it interprets some " characters as two single '.

    If you go through and meticulously make sure the correct quotation marks are being used in the correct spots, you should be able to solve that problem. Or you can wait a few days.
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