APA Format for Bibliography

  • edited July 30, 2009
    1) As Rintze noted, the official guidelines state that, if six or more authors are present, only the first author is printed in both first and subsequent citations. The style is implemented according to these guidelines. While it is possible to modify the style if your circumstances require it, be aware that the current formatting is correct to the best of our knowledge.

    2) If you're getting the wrong citations, you've probably selected the wrong style. I've never seen this issue on any platform, but if you're sure it's a real bug, post your OS and Word version here.

    3) The "Retrieved...from" information should appear in the reference list if you're using the correct style, as long as there are no page numbers specified (and you're using the correct style). You can add URLs to the bibliography for all items that have them by checking "Include URLs of paper articles in references" in Preferences->Export.

    4) Uncheck "Use Zotero for downloaded RIS/Refer files" in Preferences->General.
  • Cheers Simon that solved most of the problems.
  • I found this thread with the request for a way to show report numbers (it comes in romanized font inside parantheses, right after the italicized title, without a delimiter in between.) But I didn't see a follow up. I posted a separate thread on it regarding APA 6th edition.

    Could it be inserted in the CSL to use the "Report Type" field and "Report Number" field?

    Here is the example from page 206 of APA 6th ed.:

    Employee Benefit Research Institute. (1992, February). Sources of health insurance and characteristics of the uninsured (Issue Brief No. 123). Washington, DC: Author.

    That is, right after italicized title, there is just one space
    Then, romanized font
    + Open para "("
    + Report type field
    + the text "No. "
    + Report number field
    + Close para ")"
  • Hi - just letting you know that your error reports are noted. I don't have an APA manual and I'd prefer to not change the style without a manual, but if nothing happens soon, I'll give it a go.
    I noticed you had several issues with APA distributed over several threads. Would you mind collecting them all here so I have them in one place?
  • @Adam
    Thanks for the update.
    I only added 2 comments, which are in this thread.
  • @adamsmith

    Thanks for monitoring this. Here are the four APA 6th edition issues I've noted, gathered from elsewhere in the forum:

    ***********Regarding citation for reports in APA 6th ed.:************
    Title of report should be italicized, with a parenthetical comment immediately following (without a comma), all in romanized font, that contains three things: the report type, the text “No.” –for number—and a report number
    Could it be inserted in the CSL to use the "Report Type" field and "Report Number" field?

    Here is the example from page 206 of APA 6th ed.:

    Employee Benefit Research Institute. (1992, February). Sources of health insurance and characteristics of the uninsured (Issue Brief No. 123). Washington, DC: Author.

    That is, right after italicized title, there is just one space
    Then, romanized font
    + Open para "("
    + Report type field
    + the text "No. "
    + Report number field
    + Close para ")"

    *********Regarding citation for presentations in APA 6th ed.***************
    The title of the presentation should be italicized

    **********Regarding citations that include URL and DOI*****************
    In APA 6th ed., the DOI information at the very end should not include a period (as seen in the examples, page 198-199, and throughout the book).

    The Zotero reference page produced periods at the very end, like this:

    Goastellec, G. (2008). Globalization and implementation of an equity norm in higher education: Admission processes and funding framework under scrutiny. PJE. Peabody Journal of Education, 83(1), 71-85. doi: 10.1080/01619560701649174.

    Kasa, R. (2008). Aspects of fiscal federalism in higher education cost sharing in Latvia. PJE. Peabody Journal of Education, 83(1), 86-100. doi: 10.1080/01619560701649216.

    Student Financial Aid. (2009, September 29). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 26, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_financial_aid.

    The periods should not be at the end of these.

    *************Regarding citations for dissertations/theses***************
    The output for an APA reference for dissertations and theses is not correct according to APA 6th ed.

    The title should be italicized (This much is correct in the Zotero-produced reference), but within the same line, without a period or comma delimiter, the type of document is regular, romanized font

    There's also the need for a field for the "accession or order number in parantheses at the end". None of the current Zotero 2.x fields output this kind of field. If I knew which one it might read from, I could insert the text how I want it to show up. There is some variation in how the dissertation can be found, so this just needs to be a free-form text field that is reproduced at the correct location at the very end of the reference.


    Author. (YEAR). Building a foundation for evaluation of instruction in higher education and continuing education (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. #######)
  • OK, I'm working on this.
    The final period after URL and the italicized presentation are done, no problem.

    For the dissertation - easy to add the type as specified.
    What I see is this: If it's from a database, the database should be either the repository or the URL - priority of repository. I think we should use (Loc. in Archive) for the number - because that's what it is.
    If there is neither a URL or a repository (i.e. an unpublished dissertation) this should just go to Universty, Location. (We don't have place for dissertation, this will need to be part of the University (i.e. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL instead of just Northwestern University).

    Finally Report - any idea if/how I can do this without <if> for item type?
  • Here's one more curious find:
    -Doesn't handle "in press" for the date. For an entry of a report, at least, the automatic citation and reference page skips over the date field completely. Is there alreay a way to handle this?

    BTW: just to be sure, the absence of a period occurs with URLs and DOIs, both. Did that get covered?
  • in press not currently possible. This is being talked about in another thread currently.
    Yes, I got the DOI and URL thing right.
  • @adam.


    Here's another to add to the request:

    APA 6th (I don't know if this has changed) specifies that works by the same author should be ordered with earliest one first. So that makes it count for in the in-text citation too. (APA 6th ed. page 182.


    Upenieks, V. (2003).
    Upenieks, V. (2005).

    "...as stated in earlier studies (Upenieks, 2003, 2005)."
  • OK, I think I got it:
    Go here
    Download using the "Raw" link on the top right and install by dragging to firefox.

    The Dissertation database is "Repository" - the locator is Loc. in Archive
    if there is no Repository given, this defaults to the URL.
    If there is neither, just the University is given (location not possible)

    The sorting issue you note works as good as it currently gets:
    You need to check the "keep items sorted" box when you insert the citation (not possible during editing), then this will work correctly - I understand that some improvements to this are planned.

    Please test and report back.
  • Cool. I'll test it this morning.

    Re: sorting:
    I realize I wasn't clear. The challenge with sorting is that Zotero currently sorts things in descending order, from more recent dates to earliest dates, whereas APA v6 manual is asking for ascending order, from earliest to latest.


    Current Zotero output (using "keep sorted" function) which is incorrect:
    "...as stated in earlier studies (Upenieks, 2005, 2003, 1999, in press)."
    Upenieks, V. (2005).
    Upenieks, V. (2003).
    Upenieks, V. (1999).
    Upenieks, V. (in press).

    *** Note: the "in press" text isn't working, but the placement is here.

    Correct APA 6:
    "...as stated in earlier studies (Upenieks, 1999, 2003, 2005, in press)."
    Upenieks, V. (1999).
    Upenieks, V. (2003).
    Upenieks, V. (2005).
    Upenieks, V. (in press).

    "...as stated in earlier studies (Upenieks, 2003, 2005)."
    Upenieks, V. (2003).
    Upenieks, V. (2005).
  • could someone have a look at me for this?
    I just don't get that sorting - it's correct - from early to late - for both bibliography and citation.
  • The thesis/dissertation type works great! Thanks.

    1. A couple of details: In the Repository field, could it not prepend the text? I'd like to simply type in that field and WWSIWYG, since the phrasing might change.

    2. The Loc. in Archive field needs a period at the end, likewise for the end of the Repository field.

    Here is Zotero APA 6th ed. output (using the latest csl you posted):

    Calisto, R. S. (1985). Toward a theoretical framework of faculty evaluation in Latin American universities (assessment, reward, professors) (Doctoral dissertation). University of Oregon. Retrieved from Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (UMI No. 7777777)

    Calisto, R. S. (1985). Toward a theoretical framework of faculty evaluation in Latin American universities (assessment, reward, professors) (Doctoral dissertation). University of Oregon. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 7777777).
  • Regarding the sorting, maybe there is a bug or something in my field entries (However, I've double checked the author field, and they are all identical-no stray characters).

    On the one hand, one portion sorts correctly. The other doesn't. Here is the portion of my references all from the same author (note that one I'm going to edit to say "in press")

    In text that list some of the entries. (the third reference I'll edit to be "in press"):
    "...prepared at each iteration by Jane Knight (2005, 2003,)."

    Knight, J. (2005). 2005 IAU global survey report: Internationalization of higher education: New directions, new challenges. Paris: International Association of Universities.

    Knight, J. (2003). Internationalization of higher education practices and priorities: 2003 IAU survey report. Paris: International Association of Universities.

    Knight, J. 2009 IAU global survey on internationalization of higher education. Paris: International Association of Universities. Retrieved September 30, 2009, from http://www.unesco.org/iau/internationalization/index.html

    Knight, J. (2007a). Internationalization brings important benefits as well as risks. International Higher Education, 46(Winter). Retrieved September 26, 2009, from http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/newsletter/Number46/p8_Knight.htm

    Knight, J. (2007b, December 5). IAU Global Survey report on Internationalization of higher education. Retrieved from http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/podcast/index02.htm
  • OK - changing the periods is easy, I actually did this on purpose - could you confirm that the above correction is from the APA manual directly?

    I based mine on this
    which is unofficial and may just be wrong, but before I change it back I want to be sure.
    Also, is the way the university is displayed correct? I've also seen: (Doctoral Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1988) after the title.

    When you say "not prepend" you mean not include "Retrieved from"/"Available from"?
    I'd be very reluctant to take that out - I think people should not have to include something like that in their database - it's very unintuitive.
    I can tell you how to customize the style for yourself to not include that, though.
    Will do that with the next fix.
  • The three examples for dissertations/theses in that webpage are exactly correct, according to the APA manual. (There are a couple more options, for those should cover most citation needs).

    And you're right: when I say "prepend" the lead-in text is what I'm talking about. Whether I get the dissertation from the web, or from a database, all are just regular text, without italicized portions, etc.

    So, in one field, I could enter any one of the following, and have it show up with a pre-pended "Available from" or "Retrieved from", since it could be either/or or none, in the case of an unpublished one:

    Available from ProQuest Disserations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3351521)
    Retrieved from http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd
    Nova University, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

    Speaking of the institution, apparently it doesn't go in the citation at all unless it is unpublished (as in the 3rd case above), or for a dissertation published outside the U.S. (Why they make a distinction, I don't know), e.g.:

    Appelbaum, L. G. (2005). Carbody and passengers in rail vehicle dynamics (Doctoral thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stokholm, Sweden). Retrieved from http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-3209
  • OK, so the period just at the end of repository, not at the end of the number?
    It kind of looks like APA doesn't really know what they are doing here...

    The prepend - APA doesn't seem to have a rule on "available" vs. "retrieved" does it?
    I can take out the retrieved for the unpublished dissertations, simply by checking for the repository field.
    But I'm not willing to make a style that requires the user to hard-code "Retrieved from" etc. into her/his database: What if you want to switch citation style?
    As I said, it is easy for you to manually change the style.
  • edited October 1, 2009
    Correct. The period goes after the repository, but not the number. Even though it's in parentheses, I guess they think of it as a doi or url kind of thing.

    I agree that APA is really out there. If I could, I'd switch styles, but this is the one in my field.

    So then, if I understand right:

    If there is info in the URL field, it will read it and prepend it with "Retrieved from"
    Retrieved from http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd

    If there is info in BOTH Repository AND Loc. in Archive, it will read the text from those fields and prepend it with "Available from"
    Available from ProQuest Disserations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3351521)

    and if there is neither? If it is an unpublished disseration, where would it pull the name of the institution, the city and state, without using any language at all such as "retrieved" or "available"? Simply by having those fields populated in my item entry?
    Nova University, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

    If I know that those fields work in that way, it would make sense.

    (Thanks for working on this. I would definitely invest the time to customize my style, but then I lose out on the updates that happen in other areas)
  • I've posted the new style in the repository. Please test and report back here:
    Correct. The period goes after the repository, but not the number. Even though it's in parentheses, I guess they think of it as a doi or url kind of thing.
    If there is info in the URL field, it will read it and prepend it with "Retrieved from"
    e.g.,Retrieved from http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd
    and the date rerieved as prescribed by APA.
    If there is info in BOTH Repository AND Loc. in Archive, it will read the text from those fields and prepend it with "Available from"
    Available from ProQuest Disserations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3351521)
    no, it also says retrieved. APA doesn't seem to care between the two - at least I could not find a discernible pattern. And it only checks for repository - it doesn't matter if Loc. in Archive is present or not.
    and if there is neither? If it is an unpublished disseration, where would it pull the name of the institution, the city and state, without using any language at all such as "retrieved" or "available"? Simply by having those fields populated in my item entry?
    Well the information needs to be in the University field, then it's displayed.
    I've decided to always dislpay the university. I may be willing to put in the substantial extra work to take it out, but it's such a useful piece of information and seems so logical to include that, until someone actually complains, I will contend that APA simply wasn't thinking ;-)

    But as I said, please continue discussion in the linked thread.
This discussion has been closed.