A styles editor similar to the one that currently exists for EndNote so that an bibliography/citation style is very easy/rapid to design and implement without needing to write an XLST document.
I just want to support the original posting! At least in Humanities, Editors of Books often introduce their own citation standards. Thus, an easy way to adapt styles (like in EndNote) would me much more useful than to try to provide as many pre-configured styles as possible.
Someone is working on a standalone csl editor, though it's not done. Info and screenshots here. I imagine Zotero's csledit.xul app will evolve in that direction as well. Obviously if a developer with some XUL experience could step in and help, that will happen more quickly.
For micha, I would send in a bug report if you see missing details like you note. The goal of CSL is to get away from users having to modify styles altogether, and to benefit from the distributed possibilities of the internet.
Of course, that doesn't obviate the need for an easy-to-use editing interface so that users can help build up this publicly available stock of styles.
and what links from these.
For micha, I would send in a bug report if you see missing details like you note. The goal of CSL is to get away from users having to modify styles altogether, and to benefit from the distributed possibilities of the internet.
Of course, that doesn't obviate the need for an easy-to-use editing interface so that users can help build up this publicly available stock of styles.