bibliography inserted twice??

I've installed Zotero including the plugins for MS Word, and am wanting to put citations in with endnotes or footnotes. I've imported and chosen the Analytical Chemistry citation style, and when I first did a dummy doc with jibberish words and a few citations inserted here and there, I created the bibliography, rearranged things, refreshed, etc. - all worked well.

I then began a real doc that required 2 column formatting (after a 1 column section for title, authors, etc.), inserted some citations in the 2-col text part(fine), then created the bibliography, and it was inserted twice: once at the citation numbers in the text, and again at then end of the text where the cursor lay. I only expected it at the end after the cursor, as I'd seen before. I don't know how not to get it to do this.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
  • This certainly shouldn't be happening. What version of Word are you running?
  • Hi Simon - I'm running Word 2003 on a PC (Win XP)
  • This is happening to me too. I'm using Word 2010 and the newest Zotero download. When I try to insert the bibliography, it does it just fine, but also inserts it again where the citation number is. This is my first day using Zotero and if I can't fix this I'll have to uninstall.
  • The most likely cause of this is that you inserted a bibliography in the wrong place, and then deleted the text but not the field code. You can delete the whole bibliography once it reappears (you may have to delete the adjacent character on either side to make sure it's actually gone), or you can press Alt+F9 to temporarily show the field codes and delete the whole code that starts with "{ ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL" (until the last bracket) and then press Alt+F9 to hide the field codes again.
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