JCBFM style erroneous

Hi, just had to revert to Endnote :( to format the bibliography for an article that I have submitted for the JCBFM. They do not accept et al. in their references list. Surely someone must have come across this.
Does anyone know how we can sort out this citation style in the main Zotero repository?

Here's an abstract from JCBFM itself:

References should be listed ON A SEPARATE PAGE at the end of the manuscript, alphabetically by first author. Please list all authors. The use of et al. is NOT permitted in the reference list.
The following examples demonstrate correct reference style:
Journal article:
Young AR, Bouloy M, Boussard JF, Edvinsson L, MacKenzie ET (1981) Direct vascular effects of agents used in the pharmacother-apy of cerebrovascular disease on isolated cerebral vessels. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1:117–28.
Book chapter:
Harley NH, Vivian L (1974) Invading microorganisms. In: Mecha-nisms of Disease (Sodeman WA, Smith A, eds), 4th edn, Philadel-phia, PA: Saunders, 457–472.
Entire book:
Stein DG, Rosen JJ (eds) (1974) Basic structure and function in the central nervous system. New York, NY: Macmillan.
In-text citation:
References are to be cited parenthetically in the text using the author’s name and year of publication. For up to two authors in-clude both names, for references with three authors or more give the first author’s name followed by et al. The following examples demonstrate the correct style for citing references in the text:
(Young et al, 1981)
(Harley and Vivian, 1974)
(Young et al, 1981; Harley and Vivian, 1974; Rosen, 1974)
NPG has worked with the bibliographic program EndNote to ensure the accuracy of reference styles, enabling authors to quickly and easily create a correctly formatted reference list for each NPG title.
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