Translators for major Blog software
Would it be possible to create translators for the major blog software (bloglines, worpdress, typepad, moveable type)?
Zotero has a document type blog post, it would be really nice for it to recognise the blog posts automatically. Blog posts are starting to be used (therefore cited) more and more.
Zotero has a document type blog post, it would be really nice for it to recognise the blog posts automatically. Blog posts are starting to be used (therefore cited) more and more.
The main problems with automagically scraping everything are the efficiency of detection and the different formatting. The site-specific scrapers are all only applied against specific URL patterns. That way, checking against dozens of possible translators doesn't slow down your normal browsing.
Bloglines is an aggregator on a specific site with one skin. I would think it would be easy to make a translator.
TypePad also is mostly under the domain, so a translator might be possible.
WP and MT can be hosted anywhere. I don't know what the solution to these are. Encourage the use of plugins for the short term & encourage the platforms to adopt RDF in the long term?
I don't have control of my installation, always having to harass busy IT people to make any changes of this sort.
I am, BTW, for the first time using a weblog as a source for a manuscript I'm working on. It would indeed be nice for these to be auto-detected (maybe using the HTML headers?).
The reason we currently only have a plugin for WordPress is that one afternoon I decided to make this site's blog Zotero-readable. It's not complicated stuff (just a few lines of PHP). If anyone out there wants to do the same thing using one of the other major blogging packages, please feel free to get started and to contact me with any questions you might have.