Report ID: 1709411830

I'm having issues with the "rename file from parent metadata" on many of my files. For example, it's not working with the the pdf associated with the following data:

<bib:Article rdf:about="">;
<dc:title>Monaural Sound Source Separation by Perceptually Weighted Non-Negative Matrix Factorization</dc:title>
<dcterms:dateSubmitted>2010-04-02 18:45:30</dcterms:dateSubmitted>
<bib:Journal><dc:title>Tech. Rep.</dc:title></bib:Journal>
<foaf:surname>Tuomas O Virtanen</foaf:surname>
<link:link rdf:resource="#item_1162"/>
<z:Attachment rdf:about="#item_1162">

The citation came from
  • edited May 26, 2010
    I found out the problem. For some reason, when Zotero renamed the file to match the metadata, the file was actually renamed but the change wasn't reflected in Zotero. So the old name file didn't exist anymore so it had to be deleted from zotero, and the new name file had to be manually added to zotero. This doesn't happen all the time, but might warrant another look through the code to figure out why this sometimes happens.

  • ... and when I restart FF, the error's back! Another Error ID is 849656878. When I restart FF the names revert in Zotero so that it's pointing to a non-existent file.
  • I'm not quite following. Can you provide steps to reproduce the problem, with specifics?
  • For the pdf associated with the reference above, I clicked "rename file from parent metadata". It looked like it renamed the pdf file, but didn't update the name or the path in zotero. So in Zotero it looked like the file hadn't been renamed but had also disappeared. If you then search for the file and update the pdf path in zotero, it seems to work.

    I then restarted FF, and the old name and path in zotero were back. I had to go through the exact same thing again.

    After the 3rd or 4th time, it finally seemed to keep the correct name and path in zotero, but there's definitely a bug here.
  • I have the same thing happening happening on some pdfs. on some pdf files "rename file from parent metadata" works fine, but on others it renames the actual pdf file in the zotero file structure, but the name of the pdf file shown under the item in the zotero library stays the same - and if you click on it, zotero gives an error message that it "cant find the file - maybe it's been moved".

    nice feature, but frustrating that it sometimes does not work - also would be nice to be able to set this as a global setting - to rename automatically when the file is downloaded or dragged and dropped onto the item.

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