Translator not working - ETH Zurich


The translator isn't working for, the respository of the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology).

I get 'Could not save item. An unknown error occured while saving this item. Check Known Translator Issues'. This doesn't appear to be a known issue.

Not a big deal for me, but just noting it.

Best wishes,

  • This problem still persists. Or has anyone found a solution yet.
  • There's no dedicated translator for that site. It's picking up a DOI, which is not registered with CrossRef. We'll be adding more DOI resolvers in the future. Looks like many of those are DataCite DOIs, which I think we should be able to implement pretty soon.
  • if you're on firefox, though, you can right-click on the URL bar icon and select embedded metadata, which works quite well for that repository.
  • Ugh, looks like ETH Zurich is doing something fishy with DOIs. Looking at some of the articles in that ethz repository, I see that all the ethz DOIs redirect to the _record_ in the repository rather than the actual article. If you open up the actual articles, you'll see that they contain a different DOI (which redirects to the publisher's web page)

    E.g. 10.3929/ethz-a-005751960
    The DOI for the article is actually 10.1186/1475-2859-7-19

    I'll have to think about how to deal with this. Frankly, this is kind of annoying.
  • yet another reason to merge DOI and EM translator, though
  • edited February 5, 2014

    I was just looking for a way to enter a data repository ref. easily and found this. I guess there's no translator to the site (, but entering the DOI "Add item by identifier" didn't work either. I wasn't aware of the right clicking option before now, but that worked out well in this case. However, I had to download the separately and then add it to the reference.

    Out of curiosity: Why didn't entering the DOI into "Add item by identifier" work? That's usually a great last resort. Also the right clicking on a file and chosing Save to Zotero didn't work for the data file.

    Will there be a "Data" alternative added to the TYPE at some point?
  • comes up with nothing for me (typo?) but in general terms: Currently Zotero only supports DOIs that are registered with CrossRef, i.e. mostly articles and some books. Datasets are registered with a different DOI entity (DataCite, typically) and we'll add support for that, hopefully pretty soon.
    We'll definitely get a dataset item type, yes, it's planned for 4.2, no ETA, though.
  • Yes it's

    Hope to see that feature soon as more and more data is being stored in repositories. It will also definitely be necessary to cite these sources in publications more often.

    Thanks for a great product!
  • yup, that's exactly what I said. pangaea datasets are indeed registered with Data Cite and will import via DOI once we have this set up correctly.
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