closing bracket is carried on to next line


[edit: this is clearly an openoffice issue as it does it to brackets in normal text too]

I'm using IEEE style, latest zotero 2.0.3 openoffice 3.2.0, archlinux, and when my citation is at the end of a line the closing bracket will get carried onto the next line. This is not fun.

blah blah blah etc typey type words text [23
]. type paragraph word grammar blah blah.

any ideas?
  • Same thing here... See also my comment to your post here: the Zotero field cuted is very annoying. The brackets on the start of a line is annoying too.
  • Yes, it sounds like it's an Open Office issue. In the new CSL processor, we could possibly add a word joiner before and after parens, braces and brackets when used in affixes, which should force the word processor to behave correctly in this situation.
  • Hi!

    Thank you for the tip. I will consider using word joiner in my Zotero styles. But, as Simon said, the problem is also with normal text (instead of Zotero fields).

    It sounds like a huge openoffice bug to me.
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