Leaving OOo for LaTeX (LyX), LyZ help?

I've never used LyZ before, and I'm just now getting some experience with LyX. I understand LyZ is the current best interface between Zotero and LyX, but how do I install and use it? I'm an Ubuntu user, currently v. 9.10, and I have the repository version of LyX, and I'm not a programmer or hacker by any stretch of the imagination, so I prefer to tread where others have already trod when it comes to technology.

I've made sample document and I have some Zotero cites I'd like to put in it, is there a tutorial or step by step instructions?


  • There are some instructions available from the developer of LyZ at http://www.klubko.net/wp/?page_id=945&lang=en
  • edited May 6, 2010
    I'm not sure what this step means for me to do: "Open LyX and set LyXServer path (in LyX go to menu, Tools > Preferences... > Inputs > Paths and set LyXServer path to): Windows users can use the default path setting in LyZ, i.e. “\\.\pipe\lyxpipe”. Linux and Mac users can use e.g. “~/.lyxpipe” and change the LyZ settings accordingly."

    When I went to Tools> Preferences... > ... there is no "> Inputs", just "> Paths", and the closest option I can find is "LyXServer pipe:", and I inserted the Linux text (~/.lyxpipe) and after saving, it automatically inserted my home directory in place of the tilde.

    My version of LyX is 1.6.4 and was last updated August 2009.

    I'm guessing this step is unnecessary for me? "By default all characters are escaped, e.g. š becomes \v{s}. Set extensions.lyz.use_utf8 to true in about:config to avoid escaping (in case you need to use non-latin scripts such as Chinese)."

    Anyhow, I must be turning into an old man because I'm afraid I'm going to screw up my system somehow, and I probably just need to be more experimental.

    Also, any Ubuntuans here familiar with how to activate and use APA style outputs? I'm also having trouble figuring out how to eliminate the gutter...
  • Hi Aaron, Did you manage to get LyZ working in LyX? I also don't understand that first step you also mentioned, regarding the LyXServer. I am trying to setup LyZ on my mac, but seem to be receiving some incomprehensible error messages in zotero.

    Would appreciate any advice.
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