Please provide an option to purge my library

REF #: 981536981


I have been having a problem syncing files, and I only really noticed after my computer crashed (for other reasons). It is possible that it was syncing at that time, and now one of my libraries is locked.

I have concluded that it is a server-side lock up because (after backing up my local library) when I clear my zotero directory, and allow firefox to repopulate it with files, zotero will successfully download the metadata from my zotero account. However, if I try to delete anything from my freshly synced local library, and try to synchronize my online library, I believe am locked into a 'locked library' issue.

I would like to start anew, without having to create a 2nd account. I was hoping you could purge my online library. In fact, it would be very helpful if you provided such an option in the settings. I don't imagine that having an option to purge and resynchronizing metadata will take up my that much bandwidth, and it would allow users like myself to resolve our own 'locked library' dilemma's if it arises.

I hope to then import my local library, sync the metadata with my online zotero account, while synchronizing my storage with my webdav account.

I hope this is doable. If not, could someone at least kindly reset my online library. Thank you kindly.
  • There's nothing to reset. A "locked" library simply means that something is queued on the server.

    I see nothing queued for you on this account, though.
  • OK, now I see an upload from you from 1 minute ago.
  • Yes, thank you for clarifying what a 'locked library' refers to. And thank you for purging my library.

    I have imported my original library and have initiated a sync. I understand that this process will take time, but I do find it strange that the status it has provided the last little while is 'Getting updated data from sync server', rather than busying itself with file transfers. I take it to be a result of traffic on the website.

    Don't get me wrong, I think zotero is a fantastic tool, and I am really eager to continue using it for my lit. review.
  • And thank you for purging my library.
    I did no such thing. There was nothing wrong and nothing to fix.
    I have imported my original library and have initiated a sync.
    I'm not sure what you mean by that, but if you used export and import to RDF, that's not something we recommend.
  • I see. Then my previous attempts to reset the online library had succeeded, and the website was only updated minutes after the fact. Now that I have initiated another sync, I guess I will only know if any files have been successfully upload a little later.

    Yes I did export and then import my library as an RDF file. I'm sorry I have complicated things further.
  • edited May 5, 2010
    Who would have thought. A couple of hours later, it's all there. Shame it takes so long to upload a few hundred kilobytes though, but this is a great service.
  • Take heart in knowing that future uploads will generally not take long. When things are working, and they generally do work, you can just ignore the sync status and trust that your data is fairly well-maintained online. The slow sync were only a real problem before the release of 2.0.3, since active syncs caused a few interface bugs.
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