Film and Chicago style
As far as I understand Chicago style, the entry for "film" type should use the title first, and not the director. There seem to be a similar issue outstanding for MLA since last november.
Is there an active ticket for this issue?
As far as I understand Chicago style, the entry for "film" type should use the title first, and not the director. There seem to be a similar issue outstanding for MLA since last november.
Is there an active ticket for this issue?
My Chicago manual tells me that "Movies" should have the title first if they were watched in a theatre. Otherwise, they should be cited as Video Recordings, which have the creators first.
This seems like a case where Zotero can't really work perfectly, since the form of citation does not depend entirely on the form of item being cited, but also on the author's intent and on the location where the item was consulted.