A date error

I've noticed that for many (maybe all-I haven't checked carefully) records imported from PubMed, if the e-publication year is different from the "regular" publication year, the epub year is the one that ends up in the year field. This seems pretty clearly backwards, and it's going to be a total pain for me to go back and figure out which records I need to manually change.
If there is a simple way to prevent this from happening, I'd love to hear about it. I'm guessing, though, that this is just a bug that needs to get fixed ASAP.
  • Can you give a few PMIDs or URLs of papers where this is the case?
  • Dang- I tried to replicate the problem, and it turns out it occurred when I was getting a metadata from PDFs. It would still be nice to see the issue addressed, but I understand that that's a much more tricky process, and it makes more sense to expect users to doublecheck information obtained that way. So sorry for the mixup!
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