Sync issues

I use Zotero on my desktop and my laptop. I've been working on a paper on my laptop. I just moved to my desktop -- copied the paper over and opened it there. Zotero complained that some of my references were missing from my database. When I check Zotero on my desktop, I actually see TWO instances of the first problem reference, but apparently neither is what it thinks it's looking for.

I upgraded my desktop from Zotero 2.0 to 2.0.2 and reinstalled the OpenOffice plugin. No joy. (Laptop was already running 2.0.2.)

Why are the desktop and laptop seeing different databases somehow?

Word processor: OpenOffice
Desktop: Zotero 2.0.2
Laptop: Zotero 2.0.2
Zotero username on desktop and laptop: jphekman

Thanks for any help you can give.

  • you don't really say when and how you synced... that would be important information.
  • Both Zotero installations are set up to autosync. In the case of the missing reference on the desktop, the desktop Zotero installation said it had synced "eight minutes ago," and the reference had been added before that. I'm not sure if that's all the information you need -- let me know if you need more!
  • edited April 27, 2010
    Were you using both computers with 1.0, with a manually copied (or exported and imported) database? Did you upgrade a library to 2.0 on both computers?

    If so, that's the problem. You need to upgrade to 2.0 on only one computer and sync that to the other (using the reset options, if there's already data on the other).
  • That is probably the answer. (I don't remember what version of Zotero I started with but it may well have been 1.0.) I am not at home now so cannot try to reset the desktop at the moment, but I'll try it later and will report back. Thanks very much!
  • OK, it worked. Thanks so much!
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