Unrecognizable Code when attaching snapshot of this page

When I visited this page:
I tried to add it to my library with the button of "Create New Item form current page", all the things worked well. But when I go off-line and wanted to review the page with the stored snapshot, unrecognizable codes occured.

The stored page appeared like:

�����JFIF��`�`�����C� $.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342���C 2!!22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222�����"�������������� �������}�!1AQa"q2亼�#B绷R佯$3br� %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz儎厗噲墛挀敃枟槞殺¥ウЖ┆渤吹斗腹郝媚牌侨墒矣哉肿刭卺忏溴骁栝犟蝮趱鲼����������� ������w�!1AQaq"2�B憽绷 #3R�br� $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz們剠唶垑姃摂晼棙櫄ⅲぅΗī炒刀犯购旅呐魄壬室釉罩棕仝忏溴骁栝牝篝貊鼬�����?��( �

Actually I found almost all the pages in this websites have this problem.

My firefox is set as UTF-8, and this page is also UTF-8, I don't know what was the problem.

Would you please check it for me?

  • I get the same result. This is quite odd... I use other non-Roman scripts on a regular basis with snapshots and haven't seen such issues. Perhaps someone might have insight on what's going on here?
  • edited April 24, 2010
    Does this odd problem be caused by the site's designer?
  • Glancing quickly at the page's source code, it looks like a real nightmare. I don't know precisely what's causing this problem, but there's a lot going on that page. Complex pages sometimes don't save correctly. If you need to capture some text from the page, try using the Zotero contextual menu item to save the text as a note and new Zotero item-- that should still work for you.
  • Thanks!
    I'll just use the note
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