APA 6 broken?

Im having some troubles with the APA 6 style:
When citing in a paper:
(B O Rothbaum, Edna B Foa, .. S. Riggs, T. Murdock, & Walsh, 1992)
As you can see zotero include first name letters and it shouldnt
In reference list it looks like this:
Rothbaum, B. O., Foa, E. B., Riggs, .. S., Murdock, T., & Walsh, W. (1992). A prospective examination of post-traumatic stress disorder in rape victims. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 5(3), 455-475. doi:10.1007/BF00977239
The name Riggs, .. S., is wrong it should be: Riggs, D. S.,
Anyone else having the same problemes??
  • edited April 23, 2010

    oh and about Riggs - recheck the item in Zotero - probably the "D." or the respective first name just isn't there.
  • APA retrieval information - date missing

    I have used zotero to cite an electronic source:

    Eurydice. (2004). Evaluation of schools providing compulsory education in Europe. Luxembourg: Eurydice. Retrieved from http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/ressources/eurydice/pdf/0_integral/042EN.pdf

    I wonder why the date is missing. Do I have to add it manually? In the record entry I have entered the date when I accessed the source. It is displayed in German date format though because my Windows XP is in German.
  • APA doesn't use retrieval date:
  • Ok.

    APA 5 does and I still have to work with that version. :-/

    Is it possible to make the APA 5 style accessible again? Thanks.
  • can you find me a good 5th edition sytle guide online?
    That's the main reason I object to people requiring its use - I'm not going to go check out the guide from the library...
  • Hi Adam
    Thanks. It works now :-)
  • I am not sure if this qualifies as good but it certainly refers to APA 5:


    Electronic Media:

    Online newspaper article, electronic version
    Hilts, P.J. (1999, February 16). In forecasting their emotions, most people flunk
    out. New York Times. Retrieved 30 March 2004, from

    Online periodical
    Frederickson, B.L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimise
    health and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved
    March 23, 2004, from

    Online document
    Albanese, J. (2001). How can we reach teenage smokers? Retrieved March 23,
    2004, from http://nsweb.nursingspectrum.com/ce/ce229.htm.

    Online stand alone document, no author identified, no date.
    Begin the reference with the title of the document.
    GVU’s 8 th WWW User survey (n.d.). Retrieved 30 March 2004, from
  • When creating a bibliography of a Doctoral Dissertation from Zotero I get the following:

    Phillips, R. L. (1992). The relationship between work roles and information seeking behaviors among selected Protestant ministers in Tarrant County, Texas (Doctoral Dissertation). Denton, TX: University of North Texas.

    According to the APA Manual 6th ed (p207) the template given "For an unpublished dissertation or thesis" is:

    Author, A. A. (1978). Title of doctoral dissertation or master's thesis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master's thesis). Name of Institution, Location.

    If I understand it correctly, Zotero reverses the Name of Institution and Location and uses a ":" rather than "," . My reference above should be as follows.

    Phillips, R. L. (1992). The relationship between work roles and information seeking behaviors among selected Protestant ministers in Tarrant County, Texas (Doctoral Dissertation). University of North Texas, Denton, TX.

    Next time someone is mucking around with this style please take a look at this. Thanks.
  • oh right that's recent - thesis didn't use to have a "place" field, thus this wasn't done correctly in the style.
    I'll have a look soon, thanks for reporting.
  • Cool, thank.
  • There also seems to be a problem with editors in a series of books. Zotero gave me the following reference:

    Blizzard, S. W. (1985). The Protestant parish minister : A behavioral science interpretation. (H. B. Blizzard, Ed.)Monograph Series (Vol. 5). Storrs, CT: Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

    The problem is that the editor should not be in parenthesis I dont' think. I can't find precedent for it in the APA Manual. Editors seem to be treated correctly in Zotero references that are not in a series. Usually something like-- Name (Ed.),
  • OK - I fixed the thesis format - you can update the style as soon as the fix goes through on the repository - it will show up as a separate style (with the same name) in the lower part of the repository - not with the 12 preselected styles (that needs to be pushed separately by Dan).

    Your 2nd issue is a bit more tricky - Zotero isn't set up well to handle series editors - and it doesn't seem as if APA cites them at all - I generally have never seen series editors cited so I'd keep them as contributors in your database - unless you have seen examples to the contrary.
    What Zotero does here is treat the editor like a translator (who is indeed put into parentheses after the title).
    Before I start changing this I'd want to know what APA wants exactly - I couldn't find anything.
  • here's the direct link for update/install:
  • OK - a version of APA 5th edition is now online again - I haven't checked it thoroughly, please let me know how it goes...
  • I got here because one of my probelms was identical to the original post, so I now understand that, thanks. My other problem is that it has suddenly started to fail to join adjacent citations with a semi-colon, leaving them instead as two separate bracketed citations. e.g. (Aguirre, 1999)(Anstis, 2005), instead of (Aguirre, 1999; Anstis, 2005). Used to work. Any ideas?
  • You're remembering this wrong. Zotero has never joined adjacent citations. Use the "multiple sources" button in the plugin to get (Aguirre, 1999; Anstis, 2005).
  • Hey ho, I have been looking at various different systems recently. Thanks very much.
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