Editing in-text citations


First off I would like to say what a great job you all have done with Zotero, which is a nice, simple way to handle citations--not to mention being free. I have, so far, not really noticed many issues in terms of citation format (I usually use APA), but I have read about some issues and trust they are being handled.

My main concern is that, unlike EndNote in which you can insert a prefix and a suffix, as well as choose whether to display author or year information, Zotero does not give you any of these options (that I can tell; if I am incorrect, please by all means correct me). This means I cannot shorten it to just "Smith argued (2004)," etc. Rather, it would show up, "Smith argued (Smith, 2004)" which is incorrect for the APA format. Moreover, I cannot insert "ibid." in an in-text reference. For example, I cannot format it to read, "It has been argued (Smith, 2004, p. 28).... Moreover, it was argued that "blah blah blah" (ibid., p. 26). Instead it would say, ""It has been argued (Smith, 2004, p. 28).... Moreover, it was argued that "blah blah blah (Smith, 2004, p. 26)." In a case like that, I would want to be able to eliminate the author and year information, and insert "ibid." instead. Or, much more conveniently, I wonder if it is possible to have it automatically format subsequent references of the same text to read "(ibid., p. x)."

I am aware the the ibid function has been integrated in Chicago footnotes, but I am wondering if it can be integrated into APA in-text references.

Much obliged,

Edit: One more thing I noticed with respect to the bibliography itself is that, while each citation is spaced properly, lines after the first line of a single citation should be indented. This does not seem to happen.
  • Zotero will incorporate prefix, suffix, and editing features in version 1.0; these features are already implemented in our developmental builds.

    Re: ibid, my understanding (correct me if I am wrong) is that the latest version of APA does not include "ibid" in in-text citations. It is possible to modify the style to do this; however, the documentation is currently a little sparse, and the feature may be broken in rc3. I recommend you wait until 1.0 before attempting this.

    Re: the hanging indent, we hope to fix this problem by 1.0. However, if one changes the paragraph properties within Word (either using the bar at the top of the page or in Format -> Paragraph), the correct formatting will be preserved as new items are added.
  • Thank you very much for the information. What is the current estimated release date for 1.0? I look forward to it.
  • Thanks for the explanations!
    The issue of prefix, suffix, and editing features is very important.
    When do you expect to release version 1.0?
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