Bibliography in a single paragraph

I am using the Zotero Word plugin to manage the bibliography in a document I'm writing.

Is there a way to list bibliography in a single paragraph, as opposed to each entry in its own line? For example, normally I see bibliography printed like this:

[1] Author1, Author2, ... (2018) Awesome title. Nature Fantastic Journal Vol. 2 No. 4 Pg. 57-70
[2] Author1, Author2, ... (1993) Another fantastic title. Science Incredible Journal Vol. 2 No. 4 Pg. 57-70

I want to replace that with the following bibliography:

[1] Author1, Author2, ... (2018) Awesome title. Nature Fantastic Journal Vol. 2 No. 4 Pg. 57-70. [2] Author1, Author2, ... (1993) Another fantastic title. Science Incredible Journal Vol. 2 No. 4 Pg. 57-70

If possible, the entry indices [1], [2], ... should be bold so that they are easier to find visually. How can I achieve this?

  • The bolding you could adapt in the citation style (or find one that already does it).
    The non-parageaph question. You can at the very end, in a copy of your file, unlink citations and then just manually remove the paragraphs.
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