Bibliography not auto updating when additional citations are added

edited 2 days ago
I have a new install of Mate 24.04 running LibreOffice and Zotero.
Zotero isn't updating the bibliography when a new citation is added to the document.
If I click Add/edit bibliography a new and additional bibliography is added with all the current citations included.
I have reinstalled the Libre writer plugin and tried different styles, all gave the same result.

Ubuntu Mate 24.04
Zotero version 7.0.15 (not snap)
Libre writer version

  • That just means your previous bibliography was flattened.
  • Thanks for the reply.
    This problem is happening in real time in a new unsaved document.
    I can open a Libre writer doc, add a citation and then add a bibliography further down the page or on another page. When I add a second (or third, fourth etc) citation, the bibliography doesn't update to show the new citation(s).
    To get the added citations full references in a bibliography I have to re-click the Add Bibliography button resulting in two bibliography lists with the newer one containing the current complete list.
    Then if I add more citations I have to re-add the citation list etc.
    Also, the refresh button doesn't fix the problem.
  • How is LibreOffice installed? If you press the Add/Edit Bibliography button once to insert the bibliography, and then again, do you get yet another bibliography, or an Edit Bibliography dialog?

    Could you submit a Debug ID reproducing this in a new document?
  • LobreOffice came bundled with the Mate 24.04 install.
    A second press of the Add/Edit Bibliography button does bring up the Edit Bibliography dialog.
    The Debug ID is D862005033.
  • You should uninstall the bundled LibreOffice version and install the official one available on LibreOffice website. You might also want to reset your LibreOffice profile/settings.
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