Unknown entries

i just discovered a couple of entries in my library that I didn't add. they were all added at the same day exactly the same time (to the second).

has anyone ever experienced this?

thank you in advance :)
  • What (if anything) does it say in the library catalog field of those items?
    These items are most likely accidentally added by you.

    The other, much(!) less likely, option is that someone else is accessing your account. You can check recent sessions here:
  • Have you used the Add by Identifier (magic wand) tool? A common reason for this sort of experience is accidentally typing some numbers in that tool that get recognized as PubMed IDs and the corresponding items (usually medical papers) added to your library. For example, if you are copying and pasting in an ISBN or DOI and there are some spaces in the pasted text, that might get interpreted as a PMID.
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