Synchronisation problem - ID rapport 868416534

I use two computers to manage my bibliography. Both are connected to the same Zotero account and, thanks to synchronisation, I can access my data on either one. However, for a few days now, synchronisation has only been possible from one of the two computers and I can no longer synchronise my group libraries, for example.
I haven't changed any of my settings between when it was working and now.
I reported this error in the rapport 868416534.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards,

  • edited 9 days ago
    Restart your computer and try again. If it still happens, can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for Zotero startup through reproducing this, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option?
  • Hi,

    This is the Debug ID : D648361185
    I restart the computer but nothing changed.

    Thanks a lot for your help
  • edited 9 days ago
    That's not for Zotero startup. See above for what we need.
  • Sorry for the wrong Debug ID....! Is that the good one : D2112704021?

    Thanks for your help!
  • edited 3 days ago
    You submitted that before anything actually happened — that was just in the middle of starting up. It needs to be from Zotero startup through actually reproducing the error.
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