Trouble adding PDF files on websites


I am having trouble adding PDF files with...pretty much all the websites. At leats, it is not working on the main ones (Cairn, JSTOR, Taylor and Francis, etc.). The odd thing is that I am able to add PDF files with my laptop. However, on my main computer, it is not working at all. Could someone give some help regarding that? Full disclosure: I don't know anything about coding. So bear with me! Thank you.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID from Zotero for reloading the page and trying to save?

    (To be clear, you should be saving from the article page, not trying to save the PDF directly, though that should generally work too.)
  • Here is the Debug ID: D132719833

    Yeah, that is the issue at stake: I am not able to save from the article page.

    Thanks for the help!
  • That's from the Zotero Connector. We need a Debug ID from Zotero.
  • There you go: D645984190
  • (1)(+0000001): HTTP GET[…] failed with status code 0

    (2)(+0000000): Channel status was 2152400255

    (2)(+0000000): Response status was 407
    You're connecting via a proxy server and getting an HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required error. When you start Zotero, is it prompting you to enter a username and password for your proxy? Are you?

    Can you provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option?
  • edited 8 days ago
    Hey again! Here you go: D344054911. But I am not sure it is the right Debug ID.

    And yes, I am connecting via a proxy server (the one of my university).
  • Would anyone be able to tell me what is the issue? I am a bit helpless. Thank you!
  • edited 4 days ago
    You didn't answer my question.
    When you start Zotero, is it prompting you to enter a username and password for your proxy?
    From the debug output, it looks like it might not be.

    Have your proxy credentials changed recently? Did you change any hidden settings related to the proxy login?

    Try running the code here:

    Does that change anything?
  • Hey! Yes, when I start Zotero, is it prompting me to enter a username and password for my proxy. I also get the same thing for the websites that I am accessing through proxy (Taylor and Francis and so on).

    I enabled signon.autologin.proxy to true and ran the code in JavaScript, but it didn't change much. However, in the configuration editor, I changed network.proxy.type to 0 and network.proxy.share_proxy_settings to true. It seems that I am able to upload the PDF of some websites (Taylor and Francis, Cairn and JSTOR) which is great. However, on ScienceDirect, I have the Captcha loop that some people mentioned in the other discussion that you forwarded (
  • edited 3 days ago
    To be clear, you generally wouldn't want to set network.proxy.type to 0 — Zotero uses your system proxy settings by default, so you should just make sure that those are correct. If something isn't working via your proxy, we can debug that further. But you would likely get the above issues if you were entering the wrong credentials for your proxy. The point of the linked code was to clear any saved proxy password that might have been getting tried automatically.

    The ScienceDirect issue is unrelated and should be fixed soon.

    network.proxy.share_proxy_settings wouldn't be relevant here, and I'd discourage you from changing random hidden settings.
  • Okay! I reverted the values for network.proxy.type and network.proxy.share_proxy_settings to the original setting. I tried running the code you gave me but to no avail. So back to square one.
  • You should also revert signon.autologin.proxy to false for now. To clarify, after running the linked code, when you next start up Zotero, you should get a proxy password prompt with nothing filled in. If you enter the correct credentials, it should work. If it's not, we'd want to see a Debug ID for Zotero startup through doing that.
  • After running the linked code, when I started Zotero, nothing happened. It just started running without any proxy password window popping up. Do you want me to send a Debug ID for the Zotero startup after running the code?
  • That's after reverting signon.autologin.proxy to false?
    Do you want me to send a Debug ID for the Zotero startup after running the code?

    But then what are you doing that causes the proxy password window to show up?
  • edited 2 days ago
    Yes: even after reverting signon.autologin.proxy to false.

    Here is the Debug ID: D2086857318

    The proxy password is not popping up anymore now, neither for Zotero nor for the websites.
  • Oh, well you'd be getting an error with the linked code in Zotero 7.

    Run this instead:

    let logins = (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).filter(x => x.hostname.startsWith('moz-proxy://'));
    for (let loginInfo of logins) {

    Then restart Zotero and try again.
  • edited yesterday at 3:42am
    You should also reset any other proxy-related settings you changed in the Config Editor — search for "proxy" and look for anything in bold. You should definitely be getting the proxy authentication prompt at startup.
  • I ran the code and nothing changed. I am still not able to download the PDFs. The authentification prompt is not appearing at startup on Zotero.
  • Can you install the Zotero beta and see if that's any different?
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