I want to drag a reference into JabRef, anyone knows how?

I have Zotero 2.0.2 in Windows7.
I need to just drag a couple of paper references from Zotero into JabRef. I do not wish to go through the procedure of ""Export Selected Item..." to BibTex", that is too much work. So I just want to drag the info. Is there a way?

I have tried installing an add-on offered by Kramer last year. I installed his "BibTexCiteKeyOnly" in the Translator folder and did the set up in Preferences as he suggested but it doesn't work for me. I am not sure if this add-on actually does the job of dragging the "Authors, Title, and year " but it doesn't work for me to tell.

I would appreciate some help. I know there is plenty of discussion on how the citekey should be exported and I want to say this is not my issue, to organize the citekeys to use in my Latex projects I just use JabRef. My issue is just to drag the info and avoid the save-to-file procedure per every reference I need. Thank you.

I am celebrating my PhD in Physics so, a drink on me to everyone, Cheers!
  • wouldn't quick copy work for you?
    you can set the format to BibTex in the preferences (Export styles are at the bottom of the list).
  • Adam, yes, that is it.
    Have a great weekend.
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