Problem of my manually generated metadata recuperation

On my Zotero 7 for Windows, all the metadata I had to create manually when it was not automatically generated by the system, had suddenly disappeared after I installed a Microsoft 365. I uninstalled, therefore the zotero and reinstalled it but nothing changed. I don't know how to retrieve all those data that I spent years filling. Also, what I noticed is that on the web (online) version of Zotero, all the data (information) manually filled by me are still on the platform.
Help me please to solve the problem. I need to retrieve my information on my Zotero windows version. I already thank you for everything you could do for me in that sense.

  • If you can see your data in the web library, all you need to do is install Zotero and log into your account and sync.
  • edited yesterday at 5:34pm
    suddenly disappeared after I installed a Microsoft 365
    Not sure what you mean by this. Installing or updating Microsoft 365 definitely wouldn't affect Zotero data. If you ran some disk cleanup tool and accidentally deleted your Zotero database, that would do it.

    There's absolutely no difference between manually entered and automatically generated data here. It's just whatever's in your Zotero database. If you weren't consistently syncing, you might not have all data online, but that would just be based on the last time you had synced.

    In general, see Locating Missing Zotero Data and provide the requested info.

    If your data and files are all online, you can also just set up syncing to pull down your library, but it would be good to follow that section first to have a better idea of what happened.
  • It is okay now. thank you for your diffrent supports.
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