Zotero Connector button images: list available?
Is there a list of the types of images that the Zotero Connector will turn into for that item type (such as a microphone for an interview, an open book for a book section (book chapter), a TV for a television episode, a graduation cap for a thesis/dissertation, etc.)? I'm working on some documentation for colleagues, and it will be helpful to include a sample of what the Connector button will look like for different item types. For the moment, I've created sample citations in my library just to see what those images will look like, and I've also been searching for the different kinds of items and grabbing a snip of the Connector image, but those snips end up being really small, and get grainy when I try to make the snips bigger. It would be great to pull from (or point to) something where the sample Connector button image would be easier to see. Thank you for your time!
dstillmanDon't make screenshots now — the Connector icons will be changing soon to match the Zotero 7 icons, and we'll also be adding a Z badge to the button to make it clear it's part of Zotero, which hopefully would obviate the need for this sort of documentation to begin with.