Since Update Extreme Lag - Debug ID D1190699140
Since installing the most recent update (7.0.15) Zotero on MacOS (14.6.1) is totally unusable the lag when scrolling is extremely bad, the CPU seems very high (>500% see image). This is very similar to what happened previously that was fixed but for now my Zotero is unusable. I am only trying to read a single 11 page PDF with no images. This may also be a result of 7.0.14 as I updated these only yesterday.
Opening in troubleshoot mode seems to resolve the issue but disabling plugins in normal mode does not.
On an aside, the better notes issue that I had with crashing when loading files with a lot of notes appears to be resolved.
Opening in troubleshoot mode seems to resolve the issue but disabling plugins in normal mode does not.
On an aside, the better notes issue that I had with crashing when loading files with a lot of notes appears to be resolved.
No it does not happen in trouble shooting mode but does happen with all plugins disabled