Qiqqa is dead. Is there anything Zotero wants to use from it?
Qiqqa is software which provides similar functionality as Zotero. It was made open source in 2019. There has been very little development activity in recent years.
Are there any features that we want to investigate? My experience says it gets most laborious to get old software to compile and run over time, so it may be advantageous to try it out and document any notable features sooner rather than later.
An old feature comparison of Qiqqa and Zotero may be useful. It's obviously biased in favor of Qiqqa.
This feature claim looks interesting:
Is that marketing fluff? Or perhaps it was cutting-edge in 2011, but not today?Qiqqa Expedition™: A unique insight into the topics in your papers and libraries, based on cutting edge algorithms developed at Cambridge University.
Any Qiqqa users want to speak up about features you miss in Zotero?