MLA not working
Hi there,
I'm new to this, so bear with me, please. I usually use Chicago Author-Date, and no problem there. I was requested to change a document to MLA, and it went down south. I reset Zotero, checked for updates, changed to Chicago, and then changed back to MLA, but nothing seemed to work. This citation, for instance, should be Authors Year, and different authors separated by (;). Instead, it is placing author and work title. Please help?
"The region suffers from widespread precarity and the continuous extractions of wealth for external profit (Leal; Escobar, Territories of Difference; Escobar, “Displacement, Development, and Modernity in the Colombian Pacific.”)."
I'm new to this, so bear with me, please. I usually use Chicago Author-Date, and no problem there. I was requested to change a document to MLA, and it went down south. I reset Zotero, checked for updates, changed to Chicago, and then changed back to MLA, but nothing seemed to work. This citation, for instance, should be Authors Year, and different authors separated by (;). Instead, it is placing author and work title. Please help?
"The region suffers from widespread precarity and the continuous extractions of wealth for external profit (Leal; Escobar, Territories of Difference; Escobar, “Displacement, Development, and Modernity in the Colombian Pacific.”)."
If you want years after the author, you don't want MLA -- where does the requirement come from?