Bug in cell style
If there are only 2 authors, the first time you reference to it the result is (Person1 & Person2, YearX). Every subsequent time you reference to the same paper you get (Person1 et al., YearX).
I expect this is a little bug, because it doesnt seem likely that it is supposed to be this way, and i have never seen this in publications
I would like to have a fixed version of the cell journal (or, if it is not a bug, a version that does not do this). Should be easy to do...
I expect this is a little bug, because it doesnt seem likely that it is supposed to be this way, and i have never seen this in publications
I would like to have a fixed version of the cell journal (or, if it is not a bug, a version that does not do this). Should be easy to do...
One more little problem. it is the same or similar to the problem i had stated before for the EMBO style in this topic:
The problem is with multiple references to the same name, same year. I currently get this:
(Pasini, Bracken, and Helin, 2004; Pasini, Bracken, Jensen, et al., 2004; Pasini et al., 2008, 2010)
whereas it should be this:
(Pasini et al, 2004a, 2004b, 2008, 2010).
This is also true if it 2 different people with the same last name (but separate initials). Thanks again, in advance!
And i did check it in specific references where i knew that this problem would exist, before posting.
Is the order of multiple in text references arranged in any way? Publication year? Alphabetical?
The reason I ask is because I've been using it for writing my thesis, and it seems that the order in text is simply the same as the order I used to add several references to the multiple citation list! I had to go manually several times, delete them, and add them in the correct order that they should be displayed. Is this the way it's supposed to work? Or should they somehow be arranged automatically?
However, I found a style with very similar citation scheme - Molecular Biology of the Cell:
They clearly state that their in text references should be in chronological order, and the layout looks identical to Cell press. I will try to find this one in Zotero and use it for my work.
What I was hoping for (as I can't seem to find it in the style repository) is that perhaps you could create a separate style, namely one for Molecular Biology of the Cell based on the reference instructions I posted. Would that be ok? (not changing the Cell style but making another one instead)?