Feature request: add minus sign for Shift-drag-tag

Zotero allows one to mass-tag references by dragging and dropping them over the "tag cloud" on the lower-left of the interface, as well as mass-untagging by holding down Shift while doing so. However, there's a slight visual difference between the two: tagging is indicated by a small "plus" icon overlayed over the mouse pointer, while untagging is not indicated by a small "minus" sign. This reduces the discoverability of the feature, as well as making in inconsistent both internally, as well as with Windows's visual language (where "plus" usually indicates file copying or addition, while "no plus" usually indicates file moving rather than than removal).

For the sake of consistency and discoverability, I suggest adding a "minus" overlay to the mouse pointer, when untagging a reference by dragging and dropping it over the tag cloud.
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