Zotero Sync Error

I suspect this was because of a power surge, I seem to be missing one standalone note, but the debug log is D1932850057
Mostly I want to get rid of the error message.
  • edited 5 days ago
    You're getting an error because you've used the Zotero 7.1 beta on another computer and are still using Zotero 6 on this computer, and you've saved podcast items in the beta:
    Note that items saved with the beta that use new fields won't show up on other devices that are still running old versions, and populating a new field on an existing item will cause it to stop syncing with those versions. New fields also won't show up in the web library or in the mobile apps at this time.
    If you're running the beta somewhere, you should run it everywhere.
  • edited 5 days ago
    I haven't updated desktop apps, but I did open and edit some stuff on the online version once, does that count as using 7.1?

    Can I just manually delete and recreate those items?
    I'm not using the new version because I use zutilo 'rename and move' a lot, as well as sync via Onedrive with zotfile.
  • @dstillman -- could this happen in a group?

    @DGSLaw -- note that Zutilo now has released (perhaps in beta, check their GitHub) a version compatible with Zotero 7 and ZotFile functionality is replicated for Zotero 7 my the zotmoov plugin.
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