Javascript error in version 7.1-beta.17

After launching version 7.1-beta.17, I see a "'value' must be a string" error:

This is using version 7.1-beta.17+05f3ea3b8 (64-bit) on Linux.

Report ID: 608125975
  • edited yesterday at 5:12pm
    After reverting to 7.1-beta.16, I appear to have lost my custom theme. It's not a problem for me, but perhaps a warning for those that might have many themes defined.

    The custom theme does reappear when I update to 7.1-beta.17 again.
  • Hmm...I'm now getting the "'value' must be a string" error in 7.1-beta.16+90a9c5164 (64-bit) as well:

    Report ID: 162982956
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for a sync that produces this error?
  • edited yesterday at 8:30pm
    D1872297337 (using 7.1-beta.17+05f3ea3b8 (64-bit)).
  • OK, sorry about that. Should be fixed now, and custom themes will now sync between devices using the latest beta. Thanks for reporting.
  • Thanks! Sorry, I typed the error message wrong in my original comment but I see that's been fixed as well.
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