[Zotero 7] Duplicate PDF entry but no duplicate file
One of my articles shows a duplicated PDF attachment as shown here:
Both link to the same file in in my system (ie they take me to the same PDF when I right click + 'Show file') but they open different versions:
-the first one opens the PDF with no annotations
-the second one opens the PDF with full annotations
Both link to the same file in in my system (ie they take me to the same PDF when I right click + 'Show file') but they open different versions:
-the first one opens the PDF with no annotations
-the second one opens the PDF with full annotations
AbeJellinekedited 5 days agoZotero stores annotations in its database, not in the PDF, so you can have two linked file attachments pointing to the same file on disk with different annotations in Zotero. You can just delete the one without annotations.
Gabriel_pYou are correct, I deleted it and nothing broke. Weird that only that entry showed two separate attachments...