Zotero 7 on Mac: No way to open main window again without quitting
Hi there,
Actually this is not a bug yet a behavioural issue.
On the mac desktop app, when I open or move a pdf in a separate window and then close the main zotero window with the list, I can not re-open it again without quitting the whole app and opening again. If I quit the app and open again then I lost all my seperate windows and layout. That is very annoying, I was wondering if I am missing here something or doing anything wrong
1. Open/move any pdf in a seperate window
2. close the main window
3. try to open the main window without quiting the whole app
Actually this is not a bug yet a behavioural issue.
On the mac desktop app, when I open or move a pdf in a separate window and then close the main zotero window with the list, I can not re-open it again without quitting the whole app and opening again. If I quit the app and open again then I lost all my seperate windows and layout. That is very annoying, I was wondering if I am missing here something or doing anything wrong
1. Open/move any pdf in a seperate window
2. close the main window
3. try to open the main window without quiting the whole app
AbeJellinekWindow -> Library (Cmd-Shift-L).