The true creator of a bill

Hello. In the item type Bill, the Sponsor fills the Creator column in the main pane view. I am working with Portuguese legal documents (law and normative rules in school organizations) and for me the concept of a Sponsor don't even make any sense (in fact it sounds like political or organizational corruption). I would like to fill the Creator column with the content in the "Legislative body". In a context of rules of democracy and bureaucracy, the Legislative body is the sole legitimate creator of a bill. So... Someone could explain this option (the sponsor is the creator of a law/rule/normative and not the legislative body) in a way I can understand?
  • Sponsors are not typically cited in legal citations including in places that have them, but sponsors are very common across all sorts of different legal system (Germany, the US, and the UK -- very different systems of government -- all have them, e.g.), and useful to track for various forms of scholarship.
    The sponsor is the person, in almost all cases a member of parliament/Congress, who introduces a bill to the parliament. They may often have plaid an important role in drafting it (in the UK, ministers, who are always MPs, often introduce bills). That does mean they are the closest to an author that a bill has.
  • Ok. Understood. Thank you. Didn't know about that. Sounds strange, specially considering one have to enter the "surname, name" of a person and not the name of an institution, a collective body, a corporation, a political party or something.
  • You can change the name field to single-field mode to enter institutional names if applicable
  • That is great help, thank you bwiernik.
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